Regular(Bed Topper Type)

Kiturami Ondol Mattress

Regular(Bed Topper Type)

Masterpiece made from 40 years of Kiturami craftsmanship


What is Kiturami Ondol boiler system?


To prevent the risks inherent with a conventional electric mattress, the circulating hot water method was adopted instead of electric wire heating method. Boiler heating hot water is circulated through hot water hose of mattress/pad/carpet to warm up the area. It is safe from fire risk and energy-saving method to reduce your winter heating expenses.




Best quality hot-water heating mattress
with strong cover for wash and clean


Kiturami, with a half century of history,
is Korea's No. 1 boiler!

Korea-leading company, Kiturami Boiler has grown up based on customer trust.
Now, we move ahead to the world.

Kiturami Boiler Promotion Movie Clip

  • 2016년 18년 연속 가정용보일러 브랜드파워 1위
  • 2007년 9년 연속 품질 경쟁력 우수기업 수상
  • 2015년 15년 연속 여성소비자가 뽑은 좋은 기업 대상
  • 2007년 KS제품 품질 우수 기업 선정
  • 2016년 9년 연속 국가브랜드 경쟁력지수 1위
  • 2009년 가정용보일러A/S부문 서비스품질 1위
스마트 온돌 매트 표준사양
Type Unit Ondol boiler Hot water pad
EM-4000 EM-331(S) / EM-531(S) EM-332(Q) / EM-532(Q)
product   EM-4000.png




Outer case dimension W X H 295(W)X180(D)X130(H) 2,000X1,000 2,000X1,500
Weight Kg 2 3 4
Thickness Cm Tank volume 500ml 1.6 1.8
Pad Material - Electric consumption 250W/500W(Carpet) polyester 100%
Electric consumption W Rated voltage 220V/60Hz 250
Hose material - Certificate KC, EMF, EMI, CE, CQC PVC
Safety Devices - Water Level sensor / Bi-Metal / Temp. Sensor / Stabilization switch / Operating sensor / Safety fuse / Anti-Frozen / Lock / Self diagnosis / Anti-Malfunction of Heater
Type Unit Red Clay carpet Hot water carpet
EM-131(S) EM-132(Q) EM-832
product   황토판매트.png




Outer case dimension W X H 2,000X1,000 2,000X1,430 2,300X1,800
Weight Kg 4.5 6 13
Thickness Cm 3 3 2
Pad Material - suede fabric Hanwha(eco-friendly plasticizer)
Electric consumption W 250 500
Hose material - PVC
Safety Devices - Water Level sensor / Bi-Metal / Temp. Sensor / Stabilization switch / Operating sensor / Safety fuse / Anti-Frozen / Lock / Self diagnosis / Anti-Malfunction of Heater
  • Design and specification might be changed for improving quality without notice and the data is stated by KITURAMI R&D
고객지원 링크
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02. 누구든지 제1항의 규정을 위반하여 수집된 전자우편주소를 판매·유통 하여서는 아니된다.
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